Frequently Asked Questions

See facts and frequently asked questions here.

How do I get my wood-burning stove authorized?

You must contact your chimney sweep once your wood-burning stove has been installed. The chimney sweep will inspect and approve your installation and sign a test declaration for your stove.

You can find the test declaration for your stove here on our website under the product page for the relevant stove.

What is a test declaration?

When a new type of stove is produced, it is subjected to a long list of tests. A test declaration serves as proof that the stove has been subjected to and has passed these tests.

The test declaration must be signed by your chimney sweep when visiting your home to approve your installation.

You can find the testing declaration for your stove here on our website, under the product page for the relevant stove.

How do I clean the glass panes on my stove?

To enjoy the full view of the fire, the glass will need to be kept clean.

All VARDE Ovne wood-burning stoves feature a pane-cleaning function, which means that the panes will normally burn themselves clean when the stove is fired properly.

If you need to clean the glass anyway, you should be careful if following the old “water and ash” cleaning method, as there is a risk that small stones in the ash will scratch the glass.

We recommend instead that you use our glass cleaner and Easy Clean sponge, specially made for the purpose.
Read more about wood-burning stove maintenance here.

How to fire your wood-burning stove correctly?

It is easy to remain on good terms with your neighbours, even if you are burning a lot of wood in your stove. If you are burning wood properly, the smoke from your chimney will be almost invisible and thus be of no nuisance to your neighbours.

As a general rule, if smoke from the chimney is grey or black, this means that the stove is not being fired correctly.

Read more and watch our video about how to fire your wood-burning stove correctly here.

How to ensure a good indoor climate when owning a wood-burning stove?

A good and healthy indoor climate is still possible, even when you are burning firewood in your stove. Modern homes are very well-insulated.
When using a wood-burning stove, you may experience that air in the room lacks humidity. It can also be difficult to achieve adequate air flow for combustion.

Some stoves can be fitted with our AirBox system, which sucks air in from the outside. This can result in improved combustion, ensuring a proper, healthy indoor climate in your home.

Read more about indoor climate and the AirBox system here.

What is covered by the guarantee?

All VARDE wood-burning stoves are subject to close quality control. We take great pride in delivering uniform quality products every time. However, manufacturing defects can occur every now and then, so we offer a five-year guarantee. As a rule, VARDE Ovne is under no obligation to provide a guarantee on wear and tear parts such as vermiculite plates in the combustion chamber, glass panes, gaskets, cast iron bases or shaker grates. We do, however, provide an extra service by offering owners of VARDE wood-burning stoves a six month guarantee on these wear and tear parts.

Our guarantee does not cover:

Wear-and-tear parts, such as Vermiculite panels in the combustion chamber, glass panes, seals, handles, cast iron bases and shaker grates.
Damage caused by improper operation, incorrect connection, lack of or incorrect maintenance (see user manual).
Overheating/deterioration of materials due to use of e.g. incorrect type of firewood, burning coke or excessive firewood.
Connection of your stove to a chimney with poor air draw (e.g., a chimney that is too short / long or with leaks).
Damage to paintwork due to installation/storage in unheated or humid surroundings or that is due to cleaning with damp cloths and cleaning products.

All normal wear to wear-and-tear parts/consumables and paintwork.
Damage that is caused by external forces of physical nature.
Compensation for any consequential damage, including damage to other objects.
Assembly and/or disassembly for warranty repairs or replacement of a new product.
Leaky Cover due to lack of maintenance of silicone mass (should be inspected once a year). or due to incorrect installation which prevents the water to run off (especially important with low roof slope).

Which firewood is most suitable?

In general, beech makes the best firewood. It burns evenly, produces little smoke, leaving a clean ash that takes up very little space. Ash, maple and beech make excellent alternatives.

Read more about firewood here.

What log sizes can be used?

Your stove manual will show you what size logs are recommended. You can find out more in the section “Firewood is very important” about what happens if you use too little or too much firewood when firing your wood-burning stove. 

Why does it smell when my new wood-burning stove is lit the first times?

The first time you fire up your stove, the lacquer will harden. This will produce smoke in the oven and give off a burnt odour, which will disappear when using strong ventilation. We therefore recommend that you open doors and windows to create a draught. The lacquer will be soften and become fragile during this hardening process, so do not touched the lacquered surfaces.

We also recommend that you open and close the door every now and then during the first couple of hours of use, to prevent the sealing cord from sticking to the lacquer. This odour will disappear after the first couple of firings.

My vermiculite has cracked. What should I do?

The combustion chamber is lined with vermiculite plates.

Vermiculite is a very porous material that is sensitive to impact and must therefore be treated with care. This means you should not throw firewood into the combustion chamber, as this can cause the plates to break.

Cracked plates are no reason for concern, but if cracks are larger than 5 mm or pieces have broken off, it is important that the plates are replaced. It is relatively easy to replace the plates yourself.

Find out more and watch the video about how to replace the vermiculite plates in your wood-burning stove

Quality cast iron

At VARDE Ovne, we think quality is very important.  We aim to manufacture wood-burning stoves to a solid quality of craftsmanship. Doors, smoke outlets and bottom grates on all our stoves are made of beautifully worked cast iron, with attractive, elegant and invisible welds. This ensures that the parts of the stove that are exposed to the greatest amounts of heat will last longer.

Cast iron is particularly suitable for alternating temperatures. It is stable and retains heat for longer. This means better functionality and greater energy savings when you select a wood-burning stove with cast iron parts.

Cast iron is more expensive to produce than steel, but because cast iron is known for its durability and robustness, this is a good investment. Buying a VARDE wood-burning stove gives you a five-year warranty on manufacturing defects from the date of purchase.

The external sides and combustion chamber of our stoves are made of fully-welded steel. This gives our stoves a lighter, more modern appearance, while making them easy to clean.

What are the key features of a VARDE stove?

Owning a wood-burning stove should be easy. Everyone wants a wood-burning stove to be easy to operate, with minimal maintenance.

Design and functionality
With a VARDE wood-burning stove, the details have been considered. Airflow controls on our stoves are ergonomically correct, which makes airflow management easy when burning.  The combustion chamber is easy to clean and ash can be emptied without getting unnecessary dust in your room, thanks to the bottom grate.

Combustion chamber door handles on many of VARDE’s stoves are temperate, so you do not need gloves when opening and closing the door. Temperate is a word that can be understood differently by different people. Some people will find it warm and others again may find it so warm they would prefer to wear a glove anyway. The handle will nevertheless never become so hot that you can burn yourself on it.

Heat is well distributed into the room based on the convection principle, whereby air is drawn in through heating channels. This is a typical characteristic of a VARDE wood-burning stove. Our stoves are also designed to suit every home.

Our wood-burning stoves are manufactured to a solid quality of craftsmanship. Doors, smoke outlets and bottom grates are made of beautifully worked cast iron, with attractive, elegant and invisible welds. This ensures that the parts of the stove that are exposed to the greatest amounts of heat will last longer.

It is important that the flames can be viewed optimally. The glass panes in our stoves are therefore made of heat resistant ceramic glass. All our burning stoves have a so-called air wash function to ensure that the glass always stays clean when the stove is burning properly. 

A heat source that makes good economic sense

A wood-burning stove is an economically viable form of energy that is well able to compete with other forms of home heating, such as district heating.

Achieving economic heating does, however, require that you fire your stove wisely and that you choose a modern, efficient stove, such as one from VARDE. Your choice of firewood also contributes towards the economy of heating your home.

Read more about firewood here.

VARDE and the environment

There is a lot of focus on wood-burning stoves and the environment. It is a fact that particles are emitted into the environment when you lit up your wood-burning stove. The wood-burning stoves of today are, however, much more environmentally friendly than older models as they burn cleaner.

If you are going to think about the environment, while still enjoying the warm flames of your wood-burning stove, you need to fire it properly. Firing correctly allows you to minimise particle emissions which are harmful to the environment. 

Read how to fire your stove correctly here.
We have thought about the environment on your behalf
We think it is important that our stoves are not an unnecessary environmental burden. Therefore, we have made sure that every single VARDE stove
has been subjected to careful testing by independent testing agencies for environmental impact. 

This means that you get a wood-burning stove that meets the strictest environmental standards in Europe.